London Guide in Easy English
Thanks for your interest in London Guide in Easy English. The book is still in the research stage and will be released by Sigma Press in late 2012.
If there’s a sight that you’d like to see included, please get in touch via the Contact page of this web site with the following information: sight name, web site, description, your contact phone number. Please mention whether you have photographs the book can include.
If you own a hotel that you think should be included in the book’s accommodation section, please contact us with the same information.
We’re also keen to hear from other contributors who may be able to offer us colour photographs to which they own the copyright. Suitable photographic subjects include vistas of London, tourists in front of famous sights, members of the Royal Family, and exteriors and interiors of famous sights. We’re also interested in historical photographs of the same subjects, plus scans of old maps. Regretfully it isn’t economic for us to offer payment for contributions, but full credit will be given in the book, plus a link to your web site if you have one.
Thank you.
Patrick Gubbins